The Newmans

Friday, July 15, 2016

Tree trimming

       Nothing new lately. We haven't bought anything new for the house or started any new projects. It's been a bit slow. Hubby was laid off at the end of April, and found a job in June. I want to paint the outside of our back door and french doors in the dinning room. We also have the fireplace to tile. But we aren't in a rush.
       Today my dad came over and helped us trim our trees. He helped us cut some of the branches off our roof, and then helped us cut some branches in the back yard to make space for our growing Crepe Myrtle. 
      It's been extremely hot. Car temp read 105 degrees today. It's taken commitment to keep the grass alive. I'm out at least every other day setting up the sprinklers for an hour in each section. You'd think with all this watering our grass would be thriving and green, but it looks like it's one day from death, as you can see in the pictures. It's yellow, patchy and crunchy. I hope we get that heavy rain the forecast promised for tomorrow. July-August are always the hardest months on our plants. 

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