The Newmans

Friday, August 22, 2014

Summer: Back yard

     My husband and I have truly enjoy our outdoor space this spring and summer. The only major thing we did was paint the deck. Thanks to my hubby and dad! They did great!  Other than that we did a lot of fun stuff like adding potted plants and decorating the yard. 
      I'm proud of all our hard work maintaining such a large yard - watering all the plants, the grass, trimming trees and bushes etc. Summers are crazy hot in the south, thankfully this year we didn't  hit triple digits. :-) 

Our deck before we painted it. Hi, Winston! :-) 

(Before we moved in)

 Our deck after we painted it with a taupe weather sealer from Home Depot.

We have a huge back yard. The picture is taken from the side of the house where the deck is. As you can see along the ride side of the picture our yard goes around the back of the house as well. We have a small patio and fountain (pictures of patio and fountain area).

As friends and family know, my husband and I are in love with roses. We have about 12-14 roses bushes throughout our yard.  These are a few of our Double Knockout Roses.

 Angel Face roses

Cupcake roses 

 I'm not sure with this rose is called but we love it.

Our blooming Crepe Myrtle in the front yard.

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